How can fascia fitness help to reduce back and leg injuries?

I’ve heard a lot about fascia fitness can this help me reduce my back and leg injuries from playing tennis and golf?

fascia fitness

If you are fascinated with the role of fascia in fitness training to help reduce back and leg pain, the following questions lead to new information:

  • There are ten times more sensory nerve endings in your fascia than in your muscles; hence, how do we aim proprioceptive stimulation at the fascia as well as the muscles?
  • Majority injuries are connective-tissue (fascia) injuries, not muscular injuries that we are so use to, so how do we excellently train to prevent and repair damage and build resilience and elasticity into the system?
  • Conventional anatomy texts of the muscles and fascia are inexact, based on a fundamental misinterpretation of our movement function—so how can we work with our fascia altogether, as the “organ system of stability”?

Intentionally or unintentionally, you have been working with fascia for your whole movement career—it is inevitable. Now, however, new research is reinforcing the significance of fascia and other connective tissue in functional training.

Research into the fascia fitness upsets both our long-established beliefs and some of our new favorites as well. The evidence all points to a new reflection within overall fitness for life—hence the term fascia fitness.

Most tennis players carry out movements that put a strain on the spine when playing tennis which include movements of stretching the back too much when serving, stopping constantly and starting, as well as vigorous twisting of the spine when executing the blow.

A tennis coach or physiotherapist can show you different warm up exercise that can help reduce stress on your back. For instance:

  • Bending your knees.
  • Keeping your abdominal muscles tense can reduce tension in your spine. Ask about the best ways to serve (pull out) to avoid overextending the lumbar region.

Before playing, always warm up and stretch the muscles of your legs and lower back. Learn exercises that strengthen the trunk muscles deep in the abdomen and pelvis, which support the spine.

As a golf player, golf swing requires vigorous rotation of the spine, and this puts a strain on muscles, ligaments, joints and spinal discs.

Suggestions to remove tension from your back include:

  • Ask your physical therapist about the most excellent posture and technique for your shot.
  • Warm up and stretch the muscles of your back and upper legs before beginning a round.
  • Crouch with your knees when you pick up the golf ball.
  • When in the field, use a cart to load your golf bag. ‘You can also drive a golf cart.

Here is a quick fascia fitness exercise you can do to help reduce injuries to your back and legs:

Lie face down on a towel with arms out in front of you in a V shape and feet separated. Press into your palms and draw the shoulder blades down and then do it jointly. Bending your elbows in, use your back muscles to glide your body forward and lift your chest.

Doing eight reps will help reduce the pain from injuries sustained from playing golf and tennis.

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Do you know that exercise is important for health? how !

Most people worry about their health status once they are past their prime. It is important to know that keeping the body active and healthy will go a long way in ensuring that you live a healthy and normal life. Therefore, exercise is still very much important when you are past your prime, but you need to take it slow and be gentle with your body.

Maintain your weight

Online Fitness trainerWeight issue is one of the biggest problems for people who are over their prime. Too much weight can worsen an already delicate health situation at a time when you are gradually losing the power to take risks. Small exercises focused towards ensuring that you eliminate excess fat and sugar in your body can go a long way in helping you live a better life.

Reduce the impact of illness and chronic diseases

Diseases and illness are no respecters of anyone. While you can’t stop them, you have a better chance to reduce their impact if they come – and they will surely come. Exercise rejuvenates the body, energizes the soul and brings confidence. People who exercise benefit from improved immunity, better digestive function, better blood circulation and other ingredients that make it easy to combat illnesses.

Engaging in exercise after prime age helps the brain

Most people are still very active and relevant even after their prime. If you are one of those, you need to take conscious efforts to energize your brain and get it busy as much as you can. Games like Sudoku, puzzles and a long list of brainteaser mobile app games can go a long way in exercising your brain and make sure you retain your mental power.

Physical exercise options for people over their prime

The key to exercising at an older age is to come up with a balanced exercise plan. Mixing different types of activity will not only improve health but is highly enjoyable. Engaging in posture exercise can increase balance and stability, as well as the fear and risk of falling. Cardio exercise can also be very helpful. This includes walking, staircase climbing, rowing, tennis, hiking, and dancing.

Strength and power training is also very useful because it builds muscle, increase power and reaction time, and prevents falls since it enables you to react when you lose balance. You should also engage in flexibility exercise to eliminate rigidity and improve your joints.

Before starting your exercise routine, you need to put so many things in place to ensure that you reduce risks of injuries or other complications. You should get medical clearance from your health professionals and consider your present health concerns. You also need to listen to your body and ensure that you don’t stretch it beyond limits that could put you in danger. Start your exercise routine slow, and then build it up gradually. Commit to an exercise routine, prevent injuries by warming up before exercise and eat the right food that will give you energy and make your exercise a success.

For more fitness tips & workout please check out:


Prevention for Paget’s disease!

Paget’s disease is a chronic condition of the bone that results in the disorder of the normal formation of the bone. In normal bone, there is a balance of forces that lay down new bones and take up old bones for maintaining the proper level of calcium in the blood. People who have Paget’s disease have the bone abnormally formed, making it become enlarge, dense, and prone to breakage. The symptoms of Paget’s disease includes itching, pain, sensitivity and bone deformation, etc. So, what can someone in this situation do to help themselves?

Seeking medical care

The first step to fighting Paget’s disease is to go for proper diagnosis. This will help to detect the disease accurately, analyze it and find ways to for a cure. Medical care for Paget’s disease should begin immediately after noticing weakness or change in bowel movement or bladder functions and increasing bone pain or deformities. Physicians and specialists treating Paget’s disease include primary care providers, endocrinologists, radiologists, nuclear medicine doctors and so on. Also, spine surgeons may treat Paget’s disease if spinal surgery is needed.


The process of diagnosing involves many activities including laboratories studies on blood and urine. Laboratory tests that provide information about the rate of bone turnover, like the bone-specific alkaline phosphatase, is carried out. Other laboratory studies that are essentials for proper diagnosis includes assessment of parathyroid hormone levels, calcium, and phosphate. If a fracture or malignment transformation is suspected there may be needs for radiographs to have a detailed information about the impact. In patients with neurological dysfunction and muscle weaknesses, CT Scans and MRI Scans are necessary. The bone scan is highly essential because it helps to determine the level of impact of the disease on the bone by providing a total image of the entire skeleton. A bone biopsy is generally not necessary but will be considered if there is a suspicion of abnormal lesion or cancer involved.

Medical treatment for Paget’s disease

The primary intention of treating Paget’s disease is to find ways to control the disease activities and manage any form of complications. Bone pain can be treated with anti-inflammatory drugs, while bone deformity will require the application of specialized footwear or heel lifts. In the case of damage joints, fractures, or bones that are severely deformed, surgery may be needed to correct the deformity, after doctors have treated the patients with medications to reduce surgical complications. The use of Intravenous zoledronic acid as a bisphosphonate is very effective in treating the symptoms of Paget’s disease. People whose Paget’s disease has affected their joints usually benefits from muscle strengthening and physical therapy programs.

There are no home remedies for Paget’s disease. Once the symptoms begin to show, it is important for patients to immediately seek medical advice and proceed to have a diagnosis done. If treated on time, Paget’s disease cannot become life threatening. Most people who have it get to live a normal life and get back to their normal daily routines. Affected people are advised to see the doctor throughout their lives due to a small risk of bone tumor formation.

For more information about Paget’s disease & prevention please check out:




Female Fitness program for Lose ‘Baby Fats’ After Pregnancy – Nathaniel Wilkins

The weight gain during pregnancy is primarily to provide sufficient accommodation of the baby. The fats also provide cushioning and protection of the neonate.  The total weight gain, during this period is roughly 30 pounds for women in their normal weight. At least seven pounds are for the protein, fats and the rest of the needed nutrients for the baby and the mother.

How to lose baby fat after pregnancy

After pregnancy, these “baby fats” remains in the body, with the highest percentage in the lower abdomen where the uterus is located. How to lose the baby fats after pregnancy can be an uphill battle for some, while others find it easy.

Set a goal

Weight management starts with a concrete goal. When you have your priorities straight, working on your body is easier.  Right after pregnancy, your priority is your new role as a mother. This can be overwhelming, especially for a new mom. Postpartum blues may set-in, and your coping mechanism may urge to eat more. This is a normal phase that you have to go through, just don’t go on an official diet yet, but let this stage pass. When you have the full control of your daily activities, start your weight loss goal to get back to your pre-pregnancy body frame.

Breast Feeding                         

Nevertheless, while you are still contemplating on how to actualize your goal, do breastfeeding. According to research, women who breastfed their babies, for at least six months,  significantly lose fats in the triceps area, compared to women who did not breastfeed their babies. ( Secondly, breastfeeding is healthy for your baby, as it boosts the baby’s immune system.

Start Moving

Depending on the nature of your delivery, you can start walking and start to sweat. Take the exercise a step at a time, until you do the yoga or Pilates.  These two types of exercises are good strengthening routines that can help you get back in shape. As you exercise, you can also do deep diaphragm breathing, then hold it as you inhale. This can trigger muscle contraction, burning the fats away.

Challenge Your Body

Sometimes, the demands of being a mom can overpower your will to get into shape. One approach is to challenge yourself. When you push for your exercise plans, calories are burned, resulting in weight loss.

There are a lot of options for you to get rid of the baby fats right after giving birth, but following each one can be difficult. Start with the basic, and take it one day at a time. You still have an important role to accomplish, and that is to provide care for your baby. Nevertheless, everything begins with the end in the mind.

For more information about Baby fats and Pregnancy fitness  Please Refer to Nathaniel Wilkins:

What are the secret to successful lower back stretches

The Secret To Successful Lower Back Stretches – Nathaniel Wilkins

One of the most common complaints among non-athletes and athletes, is the lower-back pain. There can be many reasons behind the discomfort. It can be due to diseases, worsening medical condition or physical injury related. How to ease the lower back part of the body is done by carefully evaluating the cause, the and the plan to resolve the pain issues.

Back Stretches

For healthy persons having a back pain, perhaps the back muscles are causing the discomfort. One  known management for this is by doing some back stretches. Stretching in general, makes room for the muscle to move, relieves the pain and prevents muscle stiffness.

Practical Lower Back Stretches

Cobra stretch

The goal of  doing lower back stretches is to prevent muscle stiffness and pain and to do this; you can start doing lower back stretching at home with the famous cobra stretch.  This kind of stretching exercise is for both men and women to relieve the pain. To do this, you need to keep your legs together, assume a prone position and raise half of your body, putting the force on your back.

Lying lower back stretch

Opposite to this is the lying lower back stretch, wherein you assume as supine position and pulling your legs to the chest area and holding it for at least 30 minutes before letting go.

Fitness Ball

The fitness ball is perhaps one of the most popular lower back stretches for men. With an exercise ball, you can stretch your back by wrapping the ball around and do the stretching.

Pelvic thrust

Pelvic thrust is a good lower back stretching exercise that can relieve you with the pain. Lying flat on your back, you bend your legs while your knees near your hamstring. Start pushing your legs and thrust your pelvis. The more repetitions you will have the better.  Alternatively, you can put something heavy on your legs as you push and thrust your pelvis.

Leg Raise

This is a simple routine, which is good for mothers. The lying static leg raise involves at least a 20- minute leg raising on a chair. Lie on your back and raise your leg on a stool.  This can relieve you from a long day, and it can relax your body.

The muscles, ligaments the tendons can adhere when there are no physical activities involve. When these sticks to each other, this is where discomfort sets in. The pain in the pain can be unbearable depending on the severity of the adhesion or in the injury. By doing, a lower back stretches the lower-back muscles will be eased from the tension and stiffness.

 For more information please check out: